Walkin interview in Accel Frontline Limited for Software Engineer Trainee from 14 to 15 May at Chennai

Are you looking for Software Engineer Trainee in Job in Chennai? Recently Accel Frontline Limited has announced the walk in drive in Chennai. Read more details below.

Company Name:  Accel Frontline Limited

Job Role / Designation: Software Engineer Trainee

 Nature of Job: Your Job is based on Java Programming

Job Type / Category: IT/Software

Salary: As per company rules and norms

Required Skills:

  • Good communication skills

Required Experience: Minimum 0 to Maximum 1 years experience

Job Place / Working Location:  Chennai

Interview Place: Chennai

Selection process: Interview

Apply Mode: Offline

Apply Procedure: Attend the walk in interview in mentioned place

Job details: Company is looking candidates for Software Engineer Trainee

Required Documents to attend walk in interview: Bring your resume, bio data, and all required certificates.

Walkin Venue, contact details, date and time

Walkin Date: 13 May 2014 - 15 May 2014

Walkin Time: 09:00 a.m

Venue Address:

Accel Frontline Ltd
54, Murugesa Naiker Complex,
Greams Road, Chennai.

Accel Frontline Limited Company details:

Company Website: www.accelfrontline.in

Company Profile:

Accel Frontline Limited is a leading provider of Integrated IT services to small, medium and large enterprises. The company with an employee strength of about 3000, operates in 7 countries and offer the following services,

  • Engineering and R&D services

  • Outsourced Product Development (OPD)

  • IT Infrastructure Management (RIMS)

  • Managed Services

  • Enterprise Applications for Banking, Telecom and Manufacturing

 Company Address:

Sarojini Devi Rd, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Phone: 040 3023 6675

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