walkin interview in Propellum Infotech Pvt. Ltd for Data Analyst from 7 to 11 april mumbai

Are you looking Data Analyst job? Recently Propellum Infotech Pvt. Ltd has announced the walk in drive in mumbai. Read more details below.

Company Name:  Propellum Infotech Pvt. Ltd

Job Role / Designation:  Data Analyst

Required Skills:  customer service knowledge

 Experience: Minimum 0 to maximum 1 year experience

Job Place/Working Location: Mumbai

Job details:  high performance team, Job Data Analyst configures and manages the data processing for different job boards {includes crawling (spidering), classification and data purification}

Walking Venue, contact details, date and time

Walkin Date: 07 April 2014 - 11 April 2014 

Walkin Time : 09:00 a.m 

Address: 301, B Wing, Third Flr., Time Square Building, Andheri-Kurla Rd., Andheri (east) MUMBAI,Maharashtra,India 

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